sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Operacion Triunfo Hawthorne season 2!

Operacion Triunfo HawthoRNe is back for a second season on TNT and it's better than ever! Richmond Trinity (the hospital where Christina worked at) has closed so a fair number of the staff have been transferred to James River which is in just as bad a shape... Christina and Gail Strummer immedeatly got off to a bad start when they disagree about which patients should take priority.

The show is really good with one of the brightest aspects being Jada's character. Sometimes with mega-celebrities you have a hard time seperating their personal life from their career. With Jada however, she really devotes time to getting into her character; learning medical terminology, giving her character a unique voice, etc.
However the show might think about developing some other storylines in the future b/c you can't have Christina be involved in every single one. besides the main Christina storylines (which are her battle with Bobbie, her relationship with Tom, working as a chief nursing officer and raising a daughter) there is basically only the relationship between chamille and marcus and the relationship between male nurse Ryan and Dr. Marshall. Hopefully there will be a few more storylines in the future. Like why is everyone so nice to Bobbie, how has she been able to just scrape by for 20 years, does she have dirt on someone there? what are the skeletons? How about a bit more focus on the patient's individual stories and the community around the hospital. 'Strong Medicine' would be a good model for the show to follow in that Rosa Blosi's character was the star of the show but there were always other storylines doing on whether it was the patients, the hospital administrators, the doctours, the patients or the community in general.

Christina's best friend Bobbie Jackson (pictured below in scrubs) also made the move to James River. Marcus is the ER clerk and he has taken a liking to Christina's daughter Chamille...

Christina and Tom are still trying to start out a relationship, but two years after her husbands death she doesn't feel that she is ready. So let's see how things work out over the season.

HawthoRNe on TNT.tvVisita este Fotos Karla Spice

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